TUESDAY 20th Delegates and participants arrive
The conference committee has suggested that delegates stay at the Centra Auckland Airport Hotel. Due to the distance from the Conference venue it is anticipated that some evening activities will be held at the Centra Airport Hotel.
Daily buses have been arranged to leave from and return to the Centra Hotel to transport all delegates to and from the conference venue.
Plan to leave on Wednesday 28th in order to enjoy the closing dinner.
Registration all afternoon at Centra Auckland Airport Hotel
WEDNESDAY 21st Theme: Achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Conference Opening (Race Relations Day in NZ)
The program for Wednesday includes setting up country sales tables and displays, the official opening for the conference including a keynote address to set the scene for the week, entertainment and an early evening reception.
THURSDAY 22nd - Theme: Women’s Responsibilities within the Community: MDG Goal 3
Speakers, panel discussions, time for Q & A and discussion groups all with an emphasis on the MDG goal 3.
FRIDAY 23RD - Theme: Local to Global Partnerships for development; MDG Goal 8
Capacity building and good Governance are constant themes whether at home or in the wider world and the speakers for today have wide experience in these fields. Time has been allocated for workshops. The program today includes the first of three business meetings of PPSEAWA. You might find some surprises each day.
SATURDAY 24TH - Theme: Youth - Locally and Globally; Program chaired by young women
Today’s activities promise to be both informative and challenging with the input of young women from the Asia pacific region. Not just for young women but planned for all delegates. Come and be inspired.
Do encourage younger women to attend the conference.
SUNDAY 25TH - Theme: Living in Harmony
Interfaith Celebration with an invitation to all faiths and religions to join in. Guest speakers on the theme of the day and time for Q & A
Second business session with Country reports, resolutions and presentation of nominees for positions on the International Council included at this time.
PPSEAWA Australia will be hosting an evening light finger food reception for international delegates at the Centra Airport Hotel prior to the evening activities.
MONDAY 26th - Theme: Women Sharing Culture
To include a panel discussion, Q & A, 3rd Business Session and elections for the International Council and cultural items presented by national member associations.
TUESDAY 27th UNITED NATIONS DAY - Theme: Women Making a Difference
All international conferences of PPSEAWA must include a special United Nations program and so today includes a guest speaker from UNIFEM and short presentations by PPSEAWA UN representatives with a focus on the MDGs.
There will be time for national member associations to present their peace initiatives and their proposed national approaches to the MDGs with recommendations and proposed plans of action to be presented to the incoming international council.
The conference will conclude with a closing dinner at the conference venue hosted by PPSEAWA NZ
The above is a brief outline of the conference and is not intended to be a structured program.