PPSEAWA International Quadrennial Report to UN 2009-2013

Field 1 - Introduction

Pan Pacific South East Asia Women’s Association- PPSEAWA (Special Consultative status granted in 1953)

The aims and purposes of the organization are:

To strengthen bonds of peace by fostering a better understanding and friendship among women of all Pacific and South East Asia areas to foster cooperation for study and the development of social, economic and cultural conditions.

National Member Organizations (NMO) numbering twenty-two, have national constitutions which include indigenous priorities within the broad framework of the parent International association. Out of the 21 chapters there are 5 non-active because they have not paid their annual dues. Youth representatives have been appointed as advisors to the Council, to assist with the recruitment of young women and to foster their participation. Individual membership varies from 20-50 in the small Pacific Islands to over 1000 in Indonesia and Thailand.

Donations from members have enabled two funds to flourish: an Emergency Fund, to help those suffering natural or man made disasters, and a Young Women’s Fund to enable young women to attend the International Conferences or for Training and Education purposes.

Pan Pacific South East Asia Women’s Association is dedicated to promoting the Human Rights of Women and the girl-child; advancing the status of girls as well as assisting them to develop to their full potential.

Field 2 - Aims and Purpose

Pan Pacific South East Asia Women’s Association is active in identifying the needs and problems of Women and Girls and Children in all areas of the Pacific and South East Asia areas, promoting the status of same, furthering educational skills, training and raising funds for and mobilizing local help. We work to protect and improve the environment within the partnership with our twenty-one member countries and their local branches. Chapters reach out to all and we applaud the social, religious and economic diversity of our members. Many local chapters work on their own projects which are relevant to their area and in particular their needs. We seek to develop co-operation among women of these regions for the study and development of social, economic and cultural conditions.

Field 3 - Changes

At the Triennial Conference of Non Governmental Organization (CoNGO)2011, in New York , Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women’s Association (PPSEAWA) International was elected to the CoNGO Board.

The CoNGO Board then elected PPSEAWA’s representative to serve as one of its Vice Presidents. As a Vice President; PPSEAWA’s representative is a member of the CoNGO Steering Committee for the Asia Pacific region. On 29th of June 2011, PPSEAWA Representatives attended a CoNGO Civil Society Development Forum (CSDF) Meeting in Geneva that was followed by a two day CoNGO Board Meeting. As a member of the CoNGO Regional Steering Committee for Asia Pacific, PPSEAWA attended a meeting in Bangkok sponsored by Siam University the 18and 19th of May, 2012. In addition, PPSEAWA International received a nomination by Siam University for the UNESCO Literacy Prize.

We realize we cannot change the world but we seek to make a difference in our own communities.

Field 4 - Contributions to UN

We contribute to the United Nations through advocacy and commemorating United Nations days such as the International Day of the Child, Day of Peace, Day to eliminate Violence Against Women, Human Rights Day, and other International days of particular interest to members in various countries. We have signed on to statements with other Non government Organizations that were presented to the United Nations. 15, February 2012,

Safe Harbor for exploited Children, 21, February 2011, Statement on the Rights of the Child, 7th July 2011, and the statement submitted by members of the Working Group of Girls to the Ministerial Review.

Our triennial Conferences devotes one day with speakers from various United Nations agencies. In 2013 August, Pan Pacific will have a United Nations Day with one event “Are We Doing Enough For Girls” ? This will be recreated from the CSW 55 Session presented on the 23rd February 2011 at the United Nations.

The Representative to the Working Group On Girls will seek to have Fijian Girl Guides participate as well as other local Fijian High School girls.

PPSEAWA has representation at CoNGO, ESCAP, UNICEF, and UN Women: Sustainable Development Committee, the CSW Planning Group the National Council of Woman, DPI and UNIFEM, having a representative serve as the Convener of the NGO Committee as well representation by two members at the Working Group On Girls. PPSEAWA has co-chaired side events at the Commission On the Status of Woman (CSW) in 54, 55, 56 and has provided speakers for same. PPSEAWA has presented Parallel Events such as: Protecting and Empowering the Girl Child Online and Off line, 24th February 2011, Are We Doing Enough For girls, 23rd February 2011, Making Our Schools Safer: Working With Girls and Boys, 16th February 2011, Preventing Child Exploitation at Major Events, 11th October 2012, Girls Safety in Homes, community and Schools: 1st March 2012. All these events took place in NYC at the United Nations or Church Center. Several representatives have attended many High Level Panel discussions in preparations for every conference.

Our Indonesian chapter in May 2010 held our Triennial Conference in Bali where one full day was devoted to UN projects. Sept 2012 in Kuala Lumpur many members attended the Malaysian Council On Anti Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants including UN Agency Experts to share their experiences.

The Australia group 16-24th April 2009 in Vienna Austria attended the 18th session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. On the 10th April 2010 a Representative attended the UN in Vienna First International Symposium on Global Health and Gender.

PPSEAWA Thailand representative, 16 January 2009 in Vienna Austria attended the Vienna NGO Alliance on Crime Prevention, 23rd April 2009 a representative to the 65th Session of the Commission at the UN ESCAP.

Several representatives attended a reception with Her Royal Highness Princess Barjrakitiyabha 6th October 2010: A new Horizon for Women Prisoners at the UN in NYC.

The 55th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs was attended 6-7th of December 2012 by several of our representative.

The youth Representatives attended the 63rd. UN DPI Conference in Melbourne Australia, 30th August to 1 September 2010 to learn and talk about: the Challenges of achieving the MDG’s by 2015. They were funded through PPSEAWA Youth funds.

Japan PPSEAWA, 2011 March established a Library in Ender Village in Cirebon Indonesia in honor of a man who helped a Japanese girl who was drowning.

Funds are raised to help the environment and to support orphans for scholarship and a side event at the CSW is presented yearly, the last one in 2012 “Women’s Role in Food Security and Sustainable Development” Partnership between Rural and Urban Women”

Field 5 - Participation in the Fora of the UN

The Pan Pacific South East Asia Women’s Association International (PPSEAWA) with 21 National Member Organizations (NMOs) has participated in the fora of the UN in the last four years in one form or another.

PPSEAWA has accredited representatives who attend meetings, representing PPSEAWA at the (CoNGO) in Geneva, NY and Vienna; for the ESCAP in Bangkok, Thailand, and the UNICEF and UN, NY Representatives have attended 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th CSW Conferences , and CoNGO meetings in New York , Geneva, Switzerland and Bangkok, Thailand.

The highlights of the PPSEAWA’s participation include:

2009: Representatives attend the UN Children’s Fund monthly briefings in New York. The UN PPSEAWA Thailand Representative in Vienna, Austria attended the “Vienna NGO Alliance on Crime Prevention and Crime Justice Meeting, Permanent Mission of Austria to UN”, 16th January, 2009.

PPSEAWA International UN Representatives in NYorganized and co chaired parallel events during the CSW Conference.

CSW 53rd Session

During the two week time periods the CSW has an attendance of close to 6000 people. Every day aside from the official morning and afternoon session by the member states there are parallel or side events held by the NGOs, member states or United Nations agencies. The committee for “The Working Group On Girls Task Force to Protect Girls From Violence,” of which PPSEAWA is a member of organized side events PPSEAWA’s side event took place March 3rd known as “Sharing Best Practices and lessons learned to prevent violence against girls”. Two speakers screened a short film on child abuse created by a female director from Japan and with much audience participation officially launched our project at the CSW 53. This task force has a year long mandate and a budget to create a book on” Best Practices” in countries that can be used as a resource to promote changes in legislation for Women and Girls. Many representatives of PPSEAWA International delegation as well as other NGOs in attendance appreciated the effort put forth by PPSEAWA’s United Nation Representative for organizing such an informative and thought provoking side event. It also lends a lot of visibility to the many challenges of this era and ways of resolving them, besides highlighting PPSEAWA International and her mission for Peace.

PPSEAWA Representatives attended the 53rd Session of the Commission on the Status of the Women in New York on 2nd – 13th March with the theme: “The equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including care giving in the context of HIV/AIDS.”

PPSEAWA representatives also participated in the Consultation Day, Workshop on “Because I‘m A Girl in the Shadows of War, Impact of HIV.”

PPSEAWA representatives in Geneva participated in the signatory of the Joint Statement to the 10th session of the Human Rights Council General Segment on Item 8 Follow Up and Implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Platform for Action at Geneva on 24th March 2009.

Representatives also attended the 65th Commission Session at the UN ESCAP in Bangkok; 23rd to 29th April, 2009.

Representatives also attended the DPI/NGO May 14 2009 briefing on “Forced Labor: the Cost of Coercion.”

PPSEAWA attended Special UNICEF Working Group on Girls (WGG): 4th & 19th June; 7th & 20th August 2009.

PPSEAWA was represented at the United Nations Committee Working Group on Girls (WGG) at their general meetings where the representative was elected as the Corresponding Secretary to the Board of WGG. In that capacity she wrote letters for publication in New York Times Magazine, August 2009.

PPSEAWA also attended special UN meeting on 15th September 2009 with Sec. Gen Ban Ki Moon, Trafficking of Women, which resulted in publishing a column in PPSEAWA USA Newsletter. PPSEAWA also participated in the passage of a new United Nation agency for Women’s Rights on 16 September 2009.

PPSEAWA was represented at the CONGO, Follow up Review of the Outcome Document of 09 Geneva Component and Agreed Goals and Commitments in regard to Global Public Health, 15 -16 October, 2009, New York.

PPSEAWA USA, in Toledo, on 24th October 2009, held a one-day workshop to support the UN MDG3 to “Promote Gender Equality & Empowerment of Women”


The PPSEAWA International signed the Gender Equality Architecture Reform (GEAR) with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) at the 54th CSW session . Representatives participated at the 54th CSW side event sponsored by PPSEAWA, tilted; “Commercial Sexual Exploitation and the Girl Child: Promising Prevention and Reintegration Strategies.”

27th April, 2010: The PPSEAWA International Secretary also participated in the Submission of Oral Statements for the 2010 ECOSOC High-Level Segment by submitting statement to the substantive agenda of the ECOSOC High Level Segment : “Taking ownership of” and “Keeping to the Basics”. Pointing our mission of PPSEAWA and how the MDG #3 merge in the organization projects.

PPSEAWA Representatives of PPSEAWA Australia with two youth representatives from Brisbane and Canberra participated at the 63rd UN DPI/NGO Conference held August , 2010 in Melbourne, Australia, titled “ADVANCE GLOBAL HEALTH: ACHIEVE THE MDGs by Improving the health standards of the world’s poorest communities through UN /MDGs.


55th CSW “Assess and Participation of Women and Girls to Education, Training, Science and Technology” PPSEAWA co-sponsored three events.:

  1. Making Our Schools Safer: Working with Girls and Boys”.
  2. Are We Doing Enough for Girls” featured young PPSEAWA representatives sponsored by NY PPSEAWA. Youth Representatives conducted and shared their experiences of being the oldest child of immigrant families.
  3. Protecting and Empowering the Girl Child Online and Offline.


PPSEAWA was elected to the CoNGO Board during the triennial Conference in January 2011, held the UN in New York. . The new CoNGO Board elected Int. President as representative of PPSEAWA, as on of tits two Vice Presidents.

Up to date, this is the highest position that PPSEAWA has held at the UN.

In June 2011 PPSEAWA Intl. President, representative to CoNGO, attended the Civil Society Development Forum 2011, given by CoNGO in Geneva in preparation for Civil Society input to ECOSOC 2011 Annual Ministerial review of “Implementing the internationally-agreed goals and commitments in regard to education”. The outcome of this conference is posted on the PPSEAWA web.

A CoNGO Board meeting followed the session. CoNGO Board meeting held in September 2011 in NY and PPSEAWA was represented.

As the representative of PPSEAWA International and a member of the CoNGO Board, the President attended the CSDF conference which was followed by a 2 day CoNGO Board meeting in Geneva.


56th CSW, “Empowering Rural Women

PPSEAWA played a major role, PPSEAWA l, one of the 290 NGOs, co-sponsored two different events at the two weeks Conference.

PPSEAWA International’s main presentation “Girl’s Safety: In the Home, Community and Schools” was due to the leadership and perseverance of PPSEAWA International UN Representative; Committee member of the UN/ WGG.

The PPSEAWA International President was one of three speakers at this event, informing a large audience about some of the PPSEAWA /NMOs projects that focus on Girl’s Safety.

PPSEAWA Japan’s President served as the moderator for “Women’s Role in food Security and sustainable Development: Partnership between Rural and Urban Women” and PPSEAWA International Director (Thailand) served as the moderator for the Asia Pacific Woman’s Watch sponsored event also entitled “Girls, Safety: At Homes, Community and Schools”.

Attending the “Girl’s Safety” event were 28 PPSEAWA sisters from the Japan, Hawaii, Thailand, Taiwan, and USA, National Member Organizations, including a large contingent from the PPSEAWA NY Board.

PPSEAWA International has a representative to ESCAP, Dr, Chaiskran Hiranpruk. In addition, PPSEAWA Thailand is also actively participating in this UN entity which focuses on the Asia/Pacific region.

PPSEAWA Int. President:

1. attended the 68th UN Session of the Commission (ESCAP) May 2012.

2. CoNGO Regional Steering Committee for Asia-Pacific (RCAP) May 2012, Bangkok, Thailand; Hosted by Siam University

3. CoNGO Board in December 2007 recognized the proposed establishment of what was then called the CoNGO Regional Committee for Asia, as called for by 20 member agencies in conformity with CoNGO Rules. The body would therefore be named the CoNGO Regional Committee for Asia-Pacific (RCAP)

The CoNGO RCAP aims to facilitate Asia Pacific area NGO’s participation in all UN and CoNGO activities globally and regionally, in particular UN ESCAP and other UN bodies and agencies in Asia. It will promote better cooperation among CoNGO members as well as other civil society organizations in the Asia-Pacific area.

The RCAP Steering Committee is composed as follows:

  1. American Psychological Association (representation in Thailand)
  2. Bahrain Women Association for Human Development (Vice President of CoNGO)
  3. Forum Asia (Thailand headquarters)
  4. GCS International (Korea)
  5. International Federation of Women Lawyers
  6. Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women’s Association (Vice-President of CoNGO)
  7. United Methodist Church (GBCS for Southeast Asia)
  8. World Federation of UN Association (representation in India)
  9. The President of CoNGO

PPSEAWA International was well represented, since the President was joined by the Director, PPSEAWA International (Thailand) and , VP PPSEAWA International (Malaysia).

Field 6 – Cooperation With UN Bodies

PPSEAWA Representatives have been working closely with UN from conception, to the drawing board for clarifications to discussions in National Member Organizations’ meetings and finally to the actual achievement of the assigned projects.

Representatives cooperated with the DPI/NGO PPSEAWA NGOs by attended the 63rd Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference, Melbourne, Australia in August, 2010

Research papers and studies are now available at the finger tips of students and educators due to the recent availability of reports, papers, proceedings from International midterm meetings and triennial conferences on line. This was possible with the assistance of Department of History, SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton, NY and PPSEAWA .

On the online digital archive, “Women’s and Social Movements, International – 1840 to Present,” that will be published jointly by the Center for the Historical Study of Women and gender at the State University of New York at Binghamton and Alexander Street Press in 2010 and 2011.

Research papers written by social scientists in the field of Women Studies and other areas of Academic studies which potentially could become government policies use raw data provided by PPSEAWA . UN Representatives in New York have been participating in joint sponsorship of meetings at CSW.

  • 2009: 53rd Session of CSW
  • 2010: 54th Session of CSW PPSEAWA International United Nations Representatives signed on to the gender equality architecture reform (GEAR) on behalf of the PPSEAWA International.
  • 2011: 55th Session of CSW
  • 2012: 56th Session of CSW

PPSEAWA has been a member of CoNGO since 1998. The PPSEAWA Int. President has been PPSEAWA’s representative to the CoNGO since 2000 and during her leadership PPSEAWA was elected in 2011 at the Triennial Conference of the CoNGO. She was elected by the CoNGO Board as a regional Vice President of the Board for the Pacific and the Asia region. This is the highest office that PPSEAWA has achieved at the United Nations.

Humanitarian activities include the following:

  1. PPSEAWA International monetary aid to the -
    •  December, 2012 cyclone victims in Samoa.
    •  Earthquake and tsunami victims in Japan, 11th March, 2011.
    •  Storm and flood victims in Sandy, New York, USA in 2012
  2. PPSEAWA-Australia’s warm blankets to flood victims in Nadi, Fiji. 2012
  3. PPSEAWA-USA monetary aid to earthquake and tsunami victims in Japan on 11th March 2011.

The financial assistance to the United Nations in the following form:

    1. Members of the organization funding their own trips and accommodation attending the PPSEAWA International Triennial Conference in Bali, Indonesia on 18th -22nd May 2010.
    2. Representatives attending Conferences and meetings:
      1. i. 2009
      2. ii. 2010
      3. iii. 2011
      4. iv. 2012
    3. International President’s visits to: 2010 – 2013
      1. i) PPSEAWA’s founding NMO –Hawaii 2012
      2. ii) Some of the Asian National Member Organizations including:
      3. iii) PPSEAWA-Indonesia
      4. iv) PPSEAWA-Japan
      5. v) PPSEAWA-South Korea
      6. vi) PPSEAWA-Malaysia
      7. vii)PPSEAWA-Thailand, Taiwan
      8. viii)Then a visit to PPSEAWA-Fiji with a Secretary International to finalize plans for the upcoming Triennial Conference in August 24th – 31st, 2013.

Field 7 – Initiatives Taken In Support of the MDGs

The organization has been active in projects, which highlights the Millennium Development Goal: #3: “Promoting gender equality and empowering women.”

Other projects are recommended by the PPSEAWA International Program Development Committee which are in line with the UN’ Eight Millennium Development Goals have also been undertaken by the 23 NMOs in the Asia Pacific Region including Hawaii, Vladivostok (Russia) and the continental US.

In the last four years, PPSEAWA International also founded the Young Women’s Fund (YWF). The goal of the YWF is to raise funds in order that PPSEAWA International Young members (age 18 – 35 years) be able to attend International Conferences and Meetings organized by the UN as well as proposed projects by the YWF members and approved by the International Council.

PPSEAWA-USA has established an Education Scholarship since 1998 which female students in the junior and senior years in high school in the following PPSEAWA International NMOs :

  • American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Tonga, USA . [MDG #3]
  • The scholarship recipients included students from Mississippi, Fiji, Thailand and Samoa.

2010: PPSEAWA-Japan organized the “Rural Women and Gender Equality in Japan: Family Management Agreement, Hokkaido; 19th May.” The group also participated in the “The signing ceremony on the 10th Rural Women’s Day: Iwate pref. where “All members of the agricultural Committee conclude the agreements: Omi-hachiman, Shiga (23 members families). [MDG #3]

2011: PPSEAWA Japan built and supported the ENDANG BUNKO (Library) at The Second Public Elementary School in Ender Village in Cirebon in Indonesia. The library was completed in March in 2011 Many Indonesian children now use Bunko Library.

2012: 30th September, PPSEAWA Aichi in Japan celebrated the International Day of Peace by inviting members to watch a video highlighting a girl’s daily life at an orphanage school in Kabul which was built in 2001. It later became the project known as the Save Afghanistan Children (SAC). Only 31 orphans were taken care off in the beginning, now there are 68 students living and studying safely without concern about food and violence from relatives. The government provided the site in Kabul where SAC constructed a facility called “Omid” in 2005.

During these years, seven girls graduated from high school to enter a college. Four of them became teachers: two at “Omid”, two at other schools. Two of them make a living as computer engineers.

1. Women’s Development Project

PPSEAWA Thailand’s goal is always to empower and strengthen women to be good leaders in their own communities. Knowledge on women’s rights and gender equality has been shared amongst members.

PPSEAWA Thailand and the Thai Catholic Women’s Association members visit women prisoners in Samut Sakorn Province. Each visit, a different group of 100 women was selected to participate in the programs. A psychologist and lecturers were invited to give talks and advice. . Moral support, skill training, e.g. nail painting, making potpourri, making flowers from scraps of cloth, were taught by teachers from the Vocational College; this is to enable them to use these skills to support themselves after they are released from prison. Also, basic necessities are given during each visit. Theses women prisoners are provided mental, emotional and physical support to be able to face challenges outside the prison. They are thought about women’s rights and gender equality, to prevent them from being further abused.

Field 8 – Additional Information to Share

1. Triennial Conference:

PPSEAWA International since its founding in 1928 has continued the tradition of convening its members from all National Member Organizations (NMOs) for the PPSEAWA International Triennial Conference. The Conference is always hosted by one of the NMOs whose invitation to host the Conference is brought to the Council during the previous conference.

As stated in Article VI of the By-Laws, Section 1:

“The objective of a Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women’s Association Conference shall be to bring together the women of these areas for better understanding and for cooperation toward the advancement of their common interests, having in view especially the interests of the family, including its adjustment to modern economic and social conditions within each separate country and between international groups.”

Various Themes of the Conferences since the First Conference in Hawaii in 1928 have been those which reflect issues that the Women of the Region care about and are passionate about. Such examples of themes in previous International Conferences include:

(a) “Pacific Women Unite for the United Nations” for the Fifth Conference in Hawaii in 1949.

(b) “Women need continuing both formal and non-formal education to successfully meet the new challenges as well as to preserve the cultural heritage” for the 10th Conference in the Kingdom of Tonga.

(c) The 15th Conference was held in Saratoga Springs, New York, USA in 1981. The actual business meeting was held at the Skidmore College after which the Conference moved to New York City where delegates were accommodated at the Fashion District but experienced being close to the United Nations and attending meetings that were in sessions. The theme was: “Education and Training Women”

(d) The 20th Conference was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with the Theme: “Strengthening Alliances for a Better World Towards the 21st Century”.

Highlight of the upcoming Fiji Conference:

The Theme of the upcoming 25th Triennial Conference in Suva, Fiji on 24th August to 31st August, 2013 is: “Managing the Environment for a Sustainable and Peaceful World”.

No matter where in the region of the Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women Association the Triennial Conference is being held, the major theme has always been:

“The Exchange of National Experience” which is still as important in the beginning of days” as noted by one of our PPSEAWA sisters.

2. Challenges faced by being an International Women’s Organization whose mission is Peace:

The PPSEAWA International regions include the Southeast Asia, Pacific regions, including Australia and New Zealand, Russia, Vladivostok (Russia) , Hawaii and the continental USA. Currently there are sixteen active National Member Organizations (NMOs). The main challenge for this organization is communication. Internet accessibility has remained the challenge which needs to addressed by PPSEAWA International Council. Personal accesses to hardware computers and continuous interruptions of electricity to most of our Pacific Region NMOS have been the source communication breakdown.

The ability to attend triennial conferences is another as this actually indicates that there is still disparity amongst our Women groups in terms economic viability of attending international Conferences. The Organization is working towards encouraging our young members to participate in such international Conferences by funding part of the trip to Conference’s venue.

3. PPSEAWA Documents available on-line.

As was noted in the President’s Report of 2010: “The distinguished Professor of History; Thomas Dublin of the State University of New York at Binghamton, requested and was granted permission to scan publications of past Conference Proceedings that are stored in the National Library of Australia. The selected sections will be stored in a digital library and possibly posted on a designated website – with our permission.” President’s Report 2010.

The final paper work for the above was completed in January, 2011 with the understanding cited below

“Women and Social Movements Website: Grant of Permission to Publish On behalf of the Pan-Pacific and South-East Asia Women’s Association, I grant Thomas Dublin and Kathryn Kish Sklar permission to publish the following documents from the Louise Burton Laidlaw Backus Papers at Schlesinger Library, Cambridge, Mass.: “On the online digital archive, “Women’s and Social Movements, International – 1840 to Present,” that will be published jointly by the Center for the Historical Study of Women and gender at the State University of New York at Binghamton and Alexander Street Press in 2010 and 2011.”

This is a grant of a non-exclusive right to publish these items online with proper citation and credit in this edition and future revisions of the database.”

The current President and International Secretary have continued to direct the Professor to where some of the PPSEAWA papers, reports and proceedings are currently stored: e.g. at the Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts. At the same time, when possible information about acquiring recent copies of Conference Proceedings are sent to the Professor since the organization is providing the Academic community information that should be accessible to any one involved with Women Studies and Policy makers.

Further information about these collections, including a box listing, can be found at the following URL: http://asteria.fivecolleges.edu/index.html Please type “Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women’s Association” in the search box and click “go”. A list of the above-mentioned collections will appear. Click on the link that says “view entire finding aid” in order to review the complete version for the papers. Please type “Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women’s Association” in the search box and click “go”. A list of the above-mentioned collections will appear. Click on the link that says “view entire finding aid” in order to review the complete version for the papers.