PPSEAWA Peace Statement

19 May 2004

22nd International Conference of the Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women’s Association

Resolution: Sharing a Culture of Peace

The 22nd International Conference of the Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women’s Association (Singapore, 2004),

Recalling its resolution, Igniting a Culture of Peace at the PPSEAWA 21st International Conference, (Rarotonga, the Cook Islands, November 2000); and

Noting its support for:

  1. the United Nations Convention on The Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW);
  2. the commitments of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (A/52/231);
  3. the outcome document of the 23rd Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly entitled Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the Twenty-First Century (A/S-23/10/Rev.1);
  4. the resolution on Women, Peace and Security (S/Res/1325) unanimously adopted by the Security Council of the United Nations on 31st October 2000; and
  5. other conventions that relate to creating a culture of peace,

Recognising certain fundamental values to be essential to the attainment of Peace that include:

  • People Power reaffirms that our greatest resource, people, including women, children and youth, should be empowered through education, technological and economic advancement to participate at all levels;
  • Enhanced Education - Enhanced and lifelong education that is accessible to all is conducive to a culture of PEACE;
  • Affirmative Action - is an important tool to ‘level the playing field’. It needs to include appropriate exit mechanisms and sustain strong work life practices;
  • Compassionate Connections - Inter-connectedness and interdependence within human relationships need to be recognised by all. We celebrate the uniqueness and diversity of humankind;
  • Economic Empowerment - well-being and sustainable development underpin our quest for peace.

Noting also that PPSEAWA supports conventions and activities throughout the world that work towards a culture of peace, at its 22nd International Conference on the 19th of May 2004,


  1. that PPSEAWA urge all governments to sign, ratify and implement all United Nations conventions and, in particular, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW);
  2. that the PPSEAWA International Council request all National Member Organisations to call upon their governments to sign, ratify and implement all UN resolutions and conventions relevant to Peace, in particular CEDAW;
  3. that national PPSEAWA member organisations call upon governments to sign, ratify and implement all UN conventions and resolutions, in particular CEDAW;
  4. that the PPSEAWA International Council call upon all its members and representatives to the UN and its agencies to promote the PPSEAWA PEACE STATEMENT;
  5. that the PPSEAWA International Council establish a permanent position of Ambassador for Peace and make an appointment to this position at each International Conference.