On Wednesday 5th March the Girl Guide Training property “Glengarry” located at Turramurra was the site for a luncheon to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day.
This very happy luncheon was organised by Pan Pacific South East Asia Women’s Association to raise funds to support UNIFEM AUSTRALIA’s work to give women in this region opportunities for economic and political empowerment so to engender an equitable and sustainable future and for PPSEAWA’s International Fund.
Why was Glengarry selected to be the venue? Well, as most of you are aware, Guiding gives members a broader international conscience to help those who are in need, so it is natural that many members of PPSEAWA have a guiding background, (as do many members of UNIFEM). Giving women opportunities to gain leadership skills is what UNIFEM works for and PPSEAWA’s mandate is devoted to peace and understanding in the Asia Pacific region. A good marriage of ideals.
Almost 100 women (and 1 man) came to the lunch and enjoyed hearing from Mrs Sue Conde A.M., Vice President of UNIFEM AUSTRALIA on the work being done in East Timor with funds raised by the many celebrations of IWD held around Australia around this time. Such a lot needs to be done to bring peace and equity in this area, and progress is being made.
The next speaker was Monica Richter the Sustainability Programs Manager, Australian Conservation Foundation on “Sustainability in a Complex World”. Members of PPSEAWA and Guiding have always been aware of the need to conserve and not to waste. Both speakers found a sympathetic audience to their subjects.
The Trefoil Guild from Pennant Hills provided great support in the dining room and helping the committee in many practical ways. We were delighted that Girl Guide State Commissioner Prue Carpenter was able to attend and also June Cameron who as well as being a member of PPSEAWA is Chairman of the Asia Pacific Region for World Guiding. Many Trefoil Guild members were there as well as women from other organisations such as Zonta, Soroptimists, National Council of Women and National Council of Jewish Women. All agreed that “Glengarry” was a very special place for women who have peace and goodwill in their hearts to come together to celebrate International Women’s Day and help financially the work being done to help the women in the developing countries close to our shores.
The PPSEAWA IWD Committee has already booked “Glengarry” for their Luncheon to celebrate International Women’s Day on Wednesday March 11 2009.